1. Haga clic aquí para asegurarse que vive en nuestra área de servicio.

  2. Complete una solicitud de SECOR.

Necesita traer identificación y prueba de residencia (un contrato de arrendamiento, un recibo de servicios...).

Please bring an ID and proof of residency (lease agreement, utility bill…).

New and Returning Guests

3. Schedule an appointment to shop at SECOR.

Here is additional information about our food pantry.

Get Help


  1. Check here to make sure you live in our service area.

  2. Fill out a SECOR application.

Upcoming Partnerships in the SECOR Lobby


  • Thursday, March 28 – CrossPurpose, 9 am-1 pm


  • Wednesday, April 3 – All Health, 9-12 pm 

  • Friday, April 5 – IHA 9-12 pm 

  • Wednesday, April 17 – Clothes to Kids Denver, 12-4 pm

  • Thursday, April 18 – IHA 9-12 pm 

  • Friday, April 26 - DC Health, 9 am-1 pm 

If you are experiencing suburban poverty and need assistance with acquiring food, you may be eligible to shop in our free food market. To qualify, you must: 

  • Live in one of the 55 zip codes we serve.

  • Provide a photo ID (driver's license, passport, etc.).

  • Provide proof of residency (one of the following): 

    • A CURRENT utility bill (electric, gas, water, cable, etc.), or

      • The current utility bill MUST include your NAME and a SERVICE ADDRESS. 

    • A lease/mortgage agreement or a written letter from your landlord stating you live at their address.

Todos los Invitados

3. Programe una cita para ir al en mercado.

Aqui hay información sobre nuestra banco de comida.